maandag 23 april 2012

The power of a smile

A smile is a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles near both ends of the mouth. 

The smile can also be found around the eyes.

Ever went a day without a smile, a real smile, one that struck you, pauses live for a while and really got to you? To start of my blog and to give you insight to my world of thoughts I’ll tell you all about smiles, because if there is one priceless thing in life that I love to do, it’s smiling.

"Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too."
~~ Karen McLendon-Laumann

Simple things make me smile and the pressure of daily life makes us forget to smile sometimes and not smiling itself, but really smile. Witnessing,noticing,remembering you smiled. Just yesterday, an easy Sunday I counted the times I smiled. Starting in the morning, waking up and hearing birds humming near my bedside window, I smiled. Getting in the car and hearing a nice song on the radio  and singing to it so badly no one would record me , I smiled. Helping my mother on the camp-site on high heals (not that smart) and slipping.. hard.. I smiled, no I laughed! Or like later that day, driving back home and seeing dogs playing in the woods, careless fun and the joy of seeing it send chills up my spine. If I look back that's a day with a lot of smiles, but would I have remembered them I've I wasn't planning to write a blog about smiles? I don't think so.. that's why I wanted to start writing. Life gets to me and workload even harder. I am sure that by writing down my thought once in a while and sharing them with whoever loves to read them, I can make life a bit easier on me and maybe infect you with some smiles.

The value of a smile is priceless. It can't be bought, begged or borrowed.It costs nothing to give, but is the most sincere gift that one might be able to give to another. A smile brings rest to the weary, and is the best antidote for discouragement. It brings sunshine to the sad and hope to the hopeless.
A smile is infectious. Start infecting people and winning friends with your smile today.